My fitness life is pretty boring during the week due to long work hours. Most of it is a lot of walking and steps. I do most of my exercise on the weekends. Usually on Saturday and Sunday I generally run back to back 10k’s followed by strength training. I’ll have my daily posts in the Fitness Journal. When the weather warms up I will start running again before work. Until then I am trying to start a beginners 20 minute Yoga class to improve flexibility.

My goal is not a ripped body or weight loss, but improved quality of life for a lifetime. A year ago I weighed over 200 pounds today I am 45 years old and weigh 163 pounds. I am not really on a diet although I do watch what I eat during the week, and do a calorie overload on the weekend. While I try to eat healthy, I still need to reduce sodium and saturated fat. My goal is no to influence or guide you, but to share with you my journey.