Side Hustle Crunch’s mission is to provide Ideas to Earn Extra Cash. This is done by focusing on the most simple ways to get started making money. Whether you have some money or none at all Side Hustle Crunch will inspire you to find a way to earn the extra dollars that you need.

What motivates you?

The goal is to encourage you to use whatever resources that you have available to generate additional income and start making money today. Most side hustles start as a hobby and evolves into a side hustle and eventually a career. How far you take this dream is your choice.

A side hustle gives you more money. Stretching it makes the money last longer.

I want to provide a broad picture or idea of different ways to generate revenue without getting too far into details of exactly how to perform each step needed for the job. Think of Side Hustle Crunch as a coach for developing any side hustle and encouraging you to fully pursue your dreams. This is site is free, no charge, and just my blog. In addition to my blog I will provide resources to products and information needed for each side hustle.

My Background

I started off my life in the business world cutting grass at eleven. Each day I would wake up and cut three yards at twenty dollars each. With spending just three hours per day I earned sixty dollars, which was more than any of my friends. This was back in the 1980’s. By the time I was fourteen I got my first hourly job washing campers at the local campground. I still kept my lawn service, but now I paid my friend ten dollars for each yard he cut. He made thirty dollars a day and I kept the other thirty plus the money from washing campers. I was fascinated with earning income. All this taught me that if you want something then you have to earn it, and this is true today.

Side Hustle Income
Learning how to grow a piggy bank

As the years went on at the campground I began to life guard and at one point I would life guard all day at the beach and then at five o’clock, I would walk a block over and life guard at the local pool until nine o’clock. Eventually, looking for more money, I returned to cutting lawns and then left it all behind for college to earn a business degree.

While attending college I worked for a restaurant supply house selling and delivering equipment to all the local food service facilities. This put me in contact with so many types of businesses, and those who either started a business or were looking to start a business. This taught me how other entrepreneurs operate.

Managing a Business
Small Business is All Business.

After graduating college I worked as a inventory specialist, warehouse manager, purchasing manager, operations manager, and eventually operated a family owned business for ten years. Not too long ago I sold the family business, went back to work as a regular Joe. While I thought I wanted to escape the pressures that come with running a day to day business, what I did not know was that it was the hustle and push of running a business that defined me. None of this could be so true as when I sat in a three hour meeting on how to assign a part number to a new product being developed that does not even have a release or due date. All I could think about was when can we sell this product? How much can we make? How many can I push out the door? The hustle did not exist at the company. I missed the hustle.

This bring us to this point in my life where in the COVID 19 of things I have been defined as UNESSENTIAL. After thirty four years of work I have been labeled as UNESSENTIAL and had to file for unemployment. Technically furloughed, but what difference does it make? For a life long hustler this is unacceptable. The daily success of my life is ESSENTIAL to me. I have one life and I will get never get the time spent today back. This what the “Crunch” in the title means to me.

Revenue Stream
Generate multiple streams of revenue from your side hustles

I can take this current situation or Crunch as fact or I can Hustle or as I plan to have multiple Side Hustles. My goal is to generate a series of revenues from side hustles to give me the freedom to never return to the corporate world. If offered a full time job while developing the cash flow will I take it? Yes, because cash is king. I learned this lesson early on in life. However, I want to invite all of you to join me on this journey as I construct my side hustles and suggest other side hustles. I plan to use the resources that I have to start earning cash today.

Daniel Byrd