Restaurants and food facilities are required to periodically have their hood systems cleaned. A hood system is a fire suppression canopy, exhaust fan and duct work located above the cooking equipment. Over time the restaurant cooking grease builds up and the material must be removed. The national fire code requires periodic cleaning to reduce the fire hazard. This can be a side hustle because the restaurants usually have it done at night time when the restaurant is closed.

Before getting started inspect the hood system thoroughly for any damage. Make sure to turn the fan system on to hear it run. Note any unusual sounds to the owner prior to cleaning. Remove the baffle filters. Cover any electrical connections for safety and to prevent shorts. Next inspect the fire suppression noting sensitive areas such as fusible links and nozzles. Take care when cleaning these pieces as they control the effectiveness of the fire suppression.

Cover all the equipment with plastic. Hang the plastic around the hood canopy by wedging it in corners between the hood canopy and walls or by using clamps. When hanging the plastic create a funnel so that all the waste water is captured in an over sized trash can. This will prevent clogging up the floor drains. Dispose of the water according to local code. Usually the establishment will have a used oil bin or grease trap.

Next, you will want to start at the top of the exhaust duct where the fan is located. Inspect the fan noting the electrical connections. Tilt the fan to the hinge side and clean the fan bowl, and fan blades. Apply chemicals to the duct work. Allow the chemicals to setup according to manufacturers specification. Scrape from excess material off of the duct work. Then pressure wash the remaining grease from the duct work. After you have pressure washed the duct, clean around the fan on the roof. Set the fan back in place and return to the kitchen.

From the kitchen you are going to pressure wash the duct work again along with the hood plenum, and canopy. Avoid all sensitive fire suppression areas noted during the inspection. Gently clean these areas by hand. Next remove the plastic and waste water. Polish the hood and back splash. Clean the floor. Clean and replace the baffle filters.

This can be a side hustle if you clean few hoods over this weekend. How far you take this job is your choice. You can even expand it by cleaning the ranges, fryers and grills. You can clean the equipment in place, but if it is really bad, the equipment might need to be disconnected and taken outside for a thorough pressure washing. You can also expand this side hustle by selling replacement baffle filters and light guards.

To clean hoods you will need a pressure washer with a pick up tube for chemicals. You will need long hoses for both the supply line and for the wand. You may want an extended wand too. An extension ladder will be needed to get on the roof of the building and a smaller ladder will be needed to work up under the hood canopy. Make sure that you wear a waterproof jump suit that covers your head along with a face shield, gloves, and water proof boots. This will protect you from the grease and chemicals used during the hood cleaning. You will need a scraper to remove the excess materials before washing.

From a professional stand point you will need documentation. For this you can use a camera to attain before and after photos of the hood cleaning. Note any concerns on the inception report prior to cleaning. Before getting into this business use google to find other hood cleaning companies in your area. Call up a few to see if they are hiring part time. This will give you a chance to gain experience while generating cash to build your business. After six months you will know the routine and the average rate in the local market to clean hoods. Work hard for whoever gives you a break. Always give them the energy that you are eventually going to apply to your business. I suggest not letting them know that you want to start your own hood washing business at first, but as you gain experience, you can start to pick up your own hood cleaning side hustle. I would also out of respect avoid soliciting your mentor’s clients or customers. However, if for whatever reason the customers prefer to conduct business with you for whatever reason then that is okay.

Lastly, as always, have the ability to accept multiple forms of payment. Give the customer the most value for their dollar. Make sure that you stick to agreed upon time schedule. Often times restaurants have a lot of prep work to be done before they open up and start serving food, so they will need their kitchen operational by the time they specify. If your service is thorough, reliable, and hassle free, the restaurant owner or operator will call you again for repeat business.